Why Would I Vote for ANYONE who....

Normally, most Americans would disqualify any candidate who said or did even one, two, or three of these things on the list below. Yet there is one candidate in America who has done and said all of them yet retains the support of millions of Americans. If you happen to be one of them, read the list below and ask yourself: Would I vote for ANY other candidate who did all this? 

If the answer is no, then you should ask yourself what's so special about that guy that you would continue to support him. So here's the question (try to be objective and honest with yourself as you answer it):

Why would I vote for ANYONE who:

  • Says Putin can do whatever the hell he wants to our allies 
  • Undermines the rule of law and our institutions 
  • Doesn't believe in the peaceful transfer of power
  • Despite 60 lost court cases, claims they won an election
  • Told us they will only accept the outcome of an election if they win 
  • Won't abide by the certified vote 
  • Tells us they would be a dictator and would like to be president for life
  • Says we should suspend parts of the constitutioån 
  • Idolizes dictator's hostel to our country
  • Says they can do whatever they want and have absolute immunity
  • Thinks they can murder their opponent and are immune from prosecution
  • Says they could shoot someone and not lose my support
  • Thinks they are above the law
  • Would not defend our capitol when it was under attack 
  • Says stars can do whatever they want and get away with it
  • Hopes the economy will crash in the next 12 months
  • Said COVID would be gone in two weeks – like a miracle 
  • Told us to take horse tranquilizer, bleach, and shine a light on our bodies
  • Redraws weather maps falsely showing the path of a hurricane to save face 
  • Tells us he will weaponize our justice system to punish his perceived enemies 
  • Will wipe out the civil service workforce and only hire his loyalists
  • Hired only the best cabinet members who now see him as a threat to democracy
  • Who believes that the nation's top military secrets are his personal property 
  • Wants to pull us out of a treaty alliance that helps assure world peace
  • Withheld aid to an ally to try to force them to undermine a candidate
  • Defrauded students at his fraudulent university 
  • Had a charity found guilty of fraud and forced to shut down
  • Said Mexico would pay for his wall but didn't
  • Promised the best health care system and didn't deliver anything
  • Promised infrastructure legislation week after week and never delivered 
  • Was found libel for sexually assaulting a woman 
  • Says he will pardon the people who attacked our capital 
  • Who derailed a bi-partisan bill to fix the border because he would rather campaign on the issue rather than fix it  
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