Collection: Voters Beware These Days it Seems - (R) is for RINO (D) is for democracy

These days, the line between party loyalty and upholding democratic principles is often crossed. 

"RINO" (Republican In Name Only) labels those deviating from party doctrine, risking democracy's integrity. In this landscape, voters must discern if "R" represents genuine democratic values or political expediency, for preserving democracy transcends partisan allegiance.

Today, "D" symbolizes democracy, the cornerstone of governance. However, its sanctity is challenged by partisan interests prioritizing power over principles. Voters must scrutinize candidates beyond party affiliations, ensuring they uphold democratic ideals. Ultimately, safeguarding democracy demands an informed electorate vigilant against threats from within and without.

Unfortunately, all too often today, candidates with an (R) next to their name have prioritized party over country, power over principle, and performance over effective government and, in many cases, represent a threat from within. 

While candidates with a (D) next to their name may suffer from some of these traits, today, they are more fully aligned with upholding the rule of law and the principles our great nation was founded upon. 

It is up to all of us to determine which candidate most embodies and upholds the doctrines this country was founded upon and will work to preserve the rule of law and our democratic form of government. 

Choose wisely.